Tuesday, September 15, 2009

CB Preview #2

Thanks to everyone who voted for my yarn! It was a runner-up and made it into the Member's Choice Gift Guide on etsy. If you're still in a vote-y mood, you can also vote for folktale in the Craftiest Bastard contest:

Here is this week's preview of one of the yarns I spun up for the Crafty Bastards show - it's made up of local kid mohair locks, recycled bamboo, recycled sari silk threads, handmade recycled fabric leaves, and three flowers gifted to me by Amber of Raimbowtree. This yarn is corespun for extra texture and softness, which means that the fiber is spun horizontally onto a core thread.


  1. really gorgeous! i love the bits of shimmer and the way the purples really come out between the yellows.
