Saturday, February 7, 2009


It's taken me a while, but I feel like I'm finally back in the swing of things. All my December custom orders are being packed up & shipped out, and today I pulled my wheel out into the living room and worked on spinning up a big basket of fiber while listening to oldies on the radio:

saturday spinning

My plans right now are to work on a new batch of custom orders, while still trying to list yarns in the etsy shop regularly as well as saving them up for a show in mid-March. I may have found a new local source for wool, so if that works out I'm going to test out offering batts for sale as well!

I'm also working on a line of naturally-dyed yarns, dyed and mordanted with plants...I'm hoping to debut them at the show in March, and then list them on etsy after that. I'm excited about the warmer weather and the new year ahead!


  1. What a cheery photo! Your day sounds perfect.

  2. Oooh - those yarns are lovely! My poor yarn shop is in desperate need for an update. I have the yarn spun - just not set and photographed.

  3. a spinning wheel in the sunshine, looks like heaven to me. beautiful yarns!
