Saturday, April 19, 2008

Really Good Mail

I've gotten some good packages in the mail this week!

Firstly, I got TWO of Pluckyfluff's rainbow batts for my birthday. One from my mom & one from my partner. They are both so special! I don't even really want to spin them. I want them to be my pets.

pluckyfluff batts

pluckyfluff batts

And, one of the batts has some vintage paper flowers tucked inside it, which I recognized from this post on her blog. Awwh.

pluckyfluff batts

And THEN, today I got a package full of lovely handmade pottery & jewelry from a trade I did with nestingemily through flickr.



I LOVE the little birds nest necklace! I put it on right away. And aren't the mugs and the buttons gorgeous? I love love love the colors and textures and shapes.


  1. You're so lucky you have people who know to get you Pluckyfluff batts! They're beautiful. Can't wait to see what you do with them. Happy birthday. :)

  2. I should mention that the only reason they both got me a batt is because for like two weeks before my birthday I wouldn't shut up about it. "SOMEbody had better get me a Pluckyfluff batt!"

  3. Happy Birthday! Lucky you, those batts look fabulous! ;-)
