Saturday, February 9, 2008

Those dang dyes finally arrived. So I'm dyeing up a storm today, and hope to be able to replenish my shop sometime early next week! It looks like there's going to be a avalanche of new patchwork yarns fresh off the wheel soon.


  1. I found you through The Black Apple
    lovely yarns
    the patchwork set from your last post- amazing
    please let me know when they are posted

  2. I also found you through The Black Apple! I'm anxiously awaiting your Etsy update. I *must* have some of your patchwork yarn. It's some of the most beautiful stuff I've ever seen. It's a dream of mine to learn how to spin ... maybe someday. Until then, I'll just be completely inspired by you!!! Thank you so much!

  3. Oh, P.S.: Nancy, the yarns in my last post were all listed & sold already - the patchwork yarns usually sell out pretty fast. If you see one that you absolutely love, I can try to duplicate the colorway - otherwise, my shop announcement usually gives the date of my next update.
