Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm back! I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night, since we left NC late yesterday. I'm taking it slow, but trying to get some stuff done - mostly dyeing up fiber for custom orders. I don't feel like trying to take pictures yet, so I'll probably do a shop update tomorrow with some self-striping skeins and maybe a patchwork yarn.

NC was gorgeous and amazing, as usual. Here's a picture from one of our hikes:

north carolina

It's so green! Even in the middle of winter. Mostly thanks to the rhododendron, but there were other plants growing as well. I really really love and miss the mountains, even more now that I've been reminded how wonderful they are.

I got some candle-making supplies from Earth Guild, which I am excited about. I wasn't planning on buying beeswax there, since I know I can get it cheaper elsewhere, but it smelled SO GOOD that I ended up getting 2 pounds of it. I also got a TON of tea from the co-op & Amazing Savings. Like 6+ boxes, plus at least another 6 bulk blends. Amazing Savings happened to have an entire aisle of delicious organic tea blends for super cheap, so I stocked up. I've actually been regretting not buying more. We got a ton of food there as well.

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